© COPYRIGHT 2012-2025 MKI Legal Pty Ltd (ACN 155 983 672) & Legal Check Pty Ltd (ACN 633 148 955).
All Rights Reserved. Use of this website subject to our terms of use and privacy policy
The contents on this website is for informational purposes only and does not provide financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. The information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice (including legal advice), and you should not rely on any information on this website as a substitute for professional advice (including legal advice from a lawyer).
Legal Services
Our legal service is conducted by MKI Legal, a separate entity from our mortgage brokering business. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
We offer a free no-obligation discussion on the phone, subject to availability of our team. During this call, we can give you general legal information. This discussion is limited to issues about financial matters including mortgage refinancing (it does not include children's issues). We can provide you with legal advice after you officially become our client. There is no lawyer-client relationship created during this free telephone discussion.
Mortgage Service
Our mortgage broker service is conducted by Legal Check Pty Ltd (ACN 633 148 955) as credit representative (CRN 544354) of Keating Finance Pty Ltd, Australian Credit Licence 417596.
All mortgage applications are subject to lender assessment and approval. The lender accreditations refer to both Legal Check and Keating Finance’s accreditations. Legal Check may not be accredited with all lenders advertised (but Keating Finance is).
We do not offer credit, and only act as mortgage brokers. Any comparison rates displayed are calculated on specific criteria (which should be mentioned) such as using a home loan of $150,000 over a term of 25 years. Please be aware that these comparison rates are applicable only to the specified example and may not reflect all fees and charges. The comparison rate may vary based on different loan terms, fees, or amounts.