Wallington & Spina (No 2) [2023] FedCFamC2F 1017


Ages: Wallington (58), Spina (69)
Relationship: 5.5 years de facto
Children: None together, Wallington has 3 adult children, Spina has 2 children
Asset pool: $6,737,887
Division: Wallington 14.5%, Spina 85.5%

Wallington & Spina (No 2) [2023] FedCFamC2F 1017

Relationship Details

  • Type: De facto
  • Duration: Started cohabiting in late 2014, separated in May 2020, amounting to approximately 5.5 years.
  • Ages at Judgment: Wife (Applicant) 58 years, Husband (Respondent) 69 years.


  • From this Relationship: None.
  • From Previous Relationships:
    • Husband has two children, Ms B and Ms C.
    • Wife has three now-adult children.

Initial Financial Positions

  • Wife:

    • Owned a property in Suburb O and a vehicle.
    • Had credit card liabilities of about $20,000 and superannuation of $46,000.
    • Worked as a health care worker with an income of about $50,000 per annum.
  • Husband:

    • Owned properties at H Street, K Street, and F Street.
    • Owned a business, multiple vehicles, shares, and savings.

Contributions During the Relationship

  • Financial Contributions:

    • Husband managed the business and finances related to properties.
    • Wife received a workers’ compensation payment and managed daily household expenses such as groceries and utilities.
  • Non-financial Contributions:

    • Wife contributed significantly as a homemaker and in childcare for the husband's child, C.
    • Participated in discussions and activities for property acquisitions and renovations.

Post-Separation Contributions and Actions

  • Financial and Non-financial Contributions:

    • Wife continued covering rates for the F Street property until November 2020, lived there rent-free post-separation.
    • Husband continued managing property-related financial issues and liabilities.
  • Dissipation & Property Adjustments:

    • The husband sold investments and properties post-separation; proceeds were central to settlement considerations.

Current Financial Position & Property Pool

  • Wife:

    • Income: Approximately $1,444 per week.
    • Net assets including notional assets and superannuation: $577,714.
  • Husband:

    • Income: Estimated weekly income from business and rental approximately $2,238.
    • Holds significant assets, including inherited estate valued around $4 million.
    • Net assets after liabilities: $6,160,173.

Assessment of Contributions and Future Needs

  • Contributions:

    • Husband’s contributions assessed at 85.5%, wife's 14.5%.
    • Relationship financial dynamics and significant initial contributions by the husband heavily considered.
  • Future Needs Considerations:

    • Key factors include wife’s ongoing health issues and ability to work, balanced against equal opportunities provided to both parties in the division.
  • Division: Wife awarded 14.5% of net assets pool, considering homemaker contributions and impact of husband’s conduct.

Unique Aspects

  • Family Violence: The wife's contributions deemed more arduous due to incidents of family violence, allowing for recognition under Kennon principles, impacting the assessment.
  • Inheritance: Husband's inheritance was a considerable factor, heavily influencing asset distribution.
  • Disclosure and Compliance: Issues of disclosure pervaded proceedings, impacting the final stance and decisions becoming a focal point in asset division.

Overall, the structure aims at achieving an equitable arrangement, recognizing all contributory factors and addressing inequalities exacerbated by relationship dynamics.

Citation: Wallington & Spina (No 2) [2023] FedCFamC2F 1017

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