Visser & Drost (No 3) [2024] FedCFamC2F 118


Ages: Husband (50), Wife (47)
Relationship: 3-year marriage
Children: 1 child of Wife from a previous relationship (born in 2004)
Asset pool: Not specified; Suburb C property valued at $850,000
Division: Husband 90%, Wife 10%, with an additional 2% adjustment for future needs resulting in Wife receiving $83,000

Visser & Drost (No 3) [2024] FedCFamC2F 118

Relationship Details

  • Type: Marriage
  • Duration: Married in 2016, separated on 17 September 2019; divorce finalised in 2022. Total relationship duration was approximately 3 years.
  • Ages at Judgment: Husband 50, Wife 47


  • Children from Previous Relationships: Wife has a daughter born in 2004 from a previous relationship.
  • Other Circumstances: Husband assisted with the child's schooling and expenses during the marriage.

Initial Financial Positions

  • Husband:
    • Cash settlement from previous marriage: $169,839
    • Superannuation balance at start: $306,342
    • Property: Renovated Suburb C property with $90,000 from the prior settlement.
  • Wife:
    • Evidence regarding initial financial contributions was lacking, including alleged proceeds from the sale of a property in Country D.

Contributions During the Relationship

  • Financial Contributions:
    • Husband was the sole income earner, responsible for all family expenses, including wife's visa costs and sending her funds.
    • Wife contributed minimally as a homemaker; no substantial financial contribution.
  • Non-financial Contributions:
    • Wife's homemaker contributions were limited and impaired by time spent overseas.

Post-Separation Contributions and Actions

  • Financial Contributions:
    • Husband continued to pay various household expenses despite being excluded from the Suburb C property.
    • Made interim payments totaling $10,000 towards wife's relocation expenses.
  • Non-financial Contributions:
    • Wife occupied the Suburb C property without making significant contributions or payments post-separation.

Current Financial Position & Property Pool

  • Property Pool:

    • Suburb C property valued at approximately $850,000. It was inherited by the husband post-separation and remained unencumbered.
  • Superannuation:

    • Husband's superannuation: around $400,000. Super split ordered with $50,000 allocated to the wife from Husband's superannuation.

Assessment of Contributions and Future Needs

  • Contributions:
    • Husband's contributions were assessed as overwhelmingly significant compared to Wife’s.
    • Property division: 90% to Husband, 10% to Wife.
  • Future Needs Adjustments:
    • Wife granted an additional 2% adjustment in recognition of limited employment prospects and need for medical interventions.
  • Final Division:
    • Wife awarded a total payment of $83,000, accounting for prior payments and cost offsets. This was deemed approximately 12% of the total property pool.

Unique Aspects

  • The case highlighted the minimal homemaker contributions of the wife, a significant proportion of which were cancelled out by alleged family violence.
  • Post-separation, the wife occupied the Suburb C property for about 3 years, yet no financial obligation was undertaken for outgoings.
  • The inheritance of the Suburb C property by the husband after the relationship ended was a major factor influencing the court's decision.
  • Court deemed it just and equitable to account for the husband's pre-marriage financial contributions towards renovations and his significant financial support.


The overall division accounted for the short duration of the marriage and the overwhelming financial contributions by the Husband, with a future needs assessment slightly favoring the Wife.

Citation: Visser & Drost (No 3) [2024] FedCFamC2F 118

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