Mansour & Kaleel (No 2) [2024] FedCFamC2F 107


Ages: Husband (64), Wife (48)
Relationship: 2-year marriage
Children: Wife has 1 child (14) from a previous relationship with complex medical issues
Asset pool: $2,469,419
Division: Wife to pay the Husband $294,620

Mansour & Kaleel (No 2) [2024] FedCFamC2F 107

Relationship Details

  • Type: Marriage
  • Duration: Met in 2019, commenced living together the same year, married in 2019, and separated in October 2021. Total relationship duration was a little over 2 years.
  • Ages at Judgment: Husband aged 64 years, Wife aged 48 years.


  • Children from the Relationship: None
  • Children from Previous Relationships: The wife has a 14-year-old child with complex medical issues.

Initial Financial Positions

  • Husband:

    • Net assets around $808,500.
    • Sold property at Suburb Y for $870,000, receiving net proceeds of $150,000.
    • Superannuation balance at cohabitation around $250,000.
    • Intended purchase of another property failed, leading to a loss of $83,500.
  • Wife:

    • Net assets around $2,618,287, including property and superannuation.
    • Previously purchased property at T Street, Suburb U, before cohabitation.
    • Superannuation value at about $60,000.

Contributions During the Relationship

  • Financial Contributions:

    • Purchase of G Street, Suburb H property using the wife's $675,122 and husband's $120,000.
    • Husband solely paid mortgage and renovation costs for Suburb H property.
    • Wife contributed by facilitating the purchase and financial management of properties.
  • Non-financial Contributions:

    • Husband carried out significant renovation work on Suburb H property.
    • Wife cared for her child from a previous relationship.

Post-Separation Contributions and Actions

  • Husband:

    • Continued professional employment; experience of increased health challenges.
  • Wife:

    • Provided significant care for her child.

Current Financial Position & Property Pool

  • Husband:

    • Total average income approximately $169,156 per annum.
    • Net assets including debts reflective of prior obligations and current needs.
  • Wife:

    • Casual employment income and additional financial support from parents.
    • Net assets including ownership in multiple properties.
  • Property Pool:

    • Combined net non-superannuation assets totaled $2,354,978.
    • Combined superannuation assets totaled $114,441.
    • Total asset net pool: $2,469,419, with unclear future financial contributions due to health and employment.

Assessment of Contributions and Future Needs

  • Contributions:

    • Husband's contributions assessed at 10% of the property pool.
    • Wife's contributions assessed at 90% of the property pool.
  • Future Needs Considerations:

    • Husband's imminent retirement and potential health needs versus wife’s ongoing care commitments for her child.
    • No adjustment percentage favoring either party; considerations balanced the parties' current and future needs.
  • Final Division:

    • Wife to pay the Husband $294,620 to equate the redistribution to their respective contributions and future needs.

Unique Aspects or Unusual Aspects

  • Significant emotional and financial pressure involving entry and subsequent review of binding financial agreements, leading to ruling them void due to undue influence and unconscionable conduct.
  • High degree of emotional pressure related to prenuptial agreements, impacting decisions while under duress.
  • Resolution achieved acknowledging contributions and future necessities without penalizing either party with direct asset liquidation, except as necessary due to failing settlements.

Citation: Mansour & Kaleel (No 2) [2024] FedCFamC2F 107

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