Hainsworth & Pardue [2024] FedCFamC2F 121


Ages: Hainsworth (52), Pardue (39)
Relationship: 13-year de facto
Children: 1 child, age 16
Asset pool: $618,095 (including super)
Division: Hainsworth 52.5%, Pardue 47.5%

Hainsworth & Pardue [2024] FedCFamC2F 121

Background Details

  • Applicant: Mr Hainsworth
  • Respondent: Ms Pardue
  • De facto relationship
  • Duration: Approximately 13 years. Commenced in late 2006 and ended in July 2020.
  • Ages: Husband 52 years, Wife 39 years


  • Children from Relationship: One child, X, born in 2007 (aged 16).
  • No children from previous relationships.

Initial Financial Positions

  • Husband:

    • Owned a car worth about $6,000.
    • 50% interest in a property at Town O (previously owned with his former wife), from which he received $91,679 net proceeds in 2009.
    • Superannuation balance approximately $100,000 at cohabitation commencement.
  • Wife:

    • Had a car.
    • Limited superannuation balance, approximately $5,000 at cohabitation commencement.

Contributions During the Relationship

  • Financial Contributions:

    • Husband was the primary income earner, working full-time.
    • Husband's income was used for family expenses, including mortgage repayments, utility bills, and motor vehicle expenses.
  • Non-financial Contributions:

    • Wife primarily cared for the child until school commencement and again following the husband’s accident in 2012.
    • Both shared childcare responsibilities thereafter, with the wife taking a larger role following the husband’s accident.
  • Other Contributions:

    • Husband’s contributions included performing most household duties except during recovery from his 2012 accident when the wife likely took over majority duties.

Post-Separation Contributions and Actions

  • Financial Contributions:

    • Husband continued to pay for Town C property mortgage, utilities, and vehicle expenses post-separation.
  • Non-financial Contributions:

    • Wife has been the primary caregiver for child X post-separation.
  • Assets:

    • Child X has remained living with the wife, and the wife has been responsible for household expenses for herself and X.

Current Financial Position & Property Pool

  • Husband:

    • Income: $2,505 per week as a public servant.
    • Superannuation balance: $442,318.
  • Wife:

    • Income: $354 per week from Jobseeker benefits.
    • Superannuation balance: $5,876.
  • Joint Asset & Liabilities:

    • Non-superannuation asset pool: $169,901.
    • Liabilities: $384,267.
    • Superannuation pool: $448,194.
    • Total asset figure: $618,095.

Assessment of Contributions and Future Needs

  • Contributions:

    • Assessed at 62.5% to the husband and 37.5% to the wife for non-superannuation assets, considering the husband's financial contributions as the income earner.
    • Contribution adjustment disparity: $154,524 in favour of the husband.
  • Future Needs Adjustments:

    • Wife awarded a 10% adjustment due to her lower income, responsibility for childcare, and the need for possible retraining, resulting in a final asset division of 52.5% to the husband and 47.5% to the wife.
    • Disparity remains $30,904 in the husband’s favour.
  • Final Division:

    • The husband is entitled to 52.5% ($324,499) and the wife to 47.5% ($293,595) of the net property pool.

Unique Aspects

  • The husband's accident in 2012 significantly influenced the contribution and post-separation assessments.
  • The wife's extended career absence and injuries were considered, although lacked significant medical evidence.
  • The court recognised the wife's need to rehouse herself and the child upon sale of the property as a future need consideration.
  • A modest spousal maintenance of $32 per week for 18 months was awarded to address immediate financial needs despite limited capacity from the husband to pay significant maintenance due to his expenses and existing liabilities.

Citation: Hainsworth & Pardue [2024] FedCFamC2F 121

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